10 Things WWE Must Do At Starrcade 2017

7. Avoid WCW Bashing

hogan goldberg starrcade

WWE just can't resist the urge to take a pop at WCW, can they? Cries of 'we won, we won' ring out whenever an ex-World Championship Wrestling performer appears on screen. It happened when Sting wrestled Triple H at 'Mania 31, and there were even lines fed to the announcers during Goldberg's most recent run that reminded everyone how miserable WCW was.

The truth is, it wasn't miserable. It can't have been all bad, otherwise WWE wouldn't be promoting an event called Starrcade a full 16 years after WCW's demise. If you're going to mention the Atlanta promotion at all when talking about Starrcade, WWE, then please make sure it's positive. The 'us vs. them' mentality has no place here.

Everyone knows Vince McMahon had the last laugh over Ted Turner, Eric Bischoff and the entire WCW organisation, so there's no need to use this as another vehicle to boast about it. Pay tribute to Starrcade's legacy and use it as an excuse to promote the current roster.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.