10 Things WWE Must Do At Starrcade 2017

4. Announce Further Nostalgia-Fuelled Events

WCW Halloween Havoc

WWE don't necessarily need to recycle old WCW event names. The current calendar is full enough, but even with that busy schedule it would be nice to see some old gems make a comeback. The company already push Clash of Champions as a pay-per-view, and that's a throwback to the Clash of the Champions specials, so why not others?

WCW had some superb event titles. Names like Halloween Havoc, Spring Stampede, Uncensored, and SuperBrawl would all be welcome, as would some kind of War Games-style match on pay-per-view. With those (and others) crying out to be dusted off, wouldn't it be cool of WWE to announce that further Network-exclusive events would borrow from the past?

Imagine, for example, that SuperBrawl became an annual February house show filmed for the Network, or if Spring Stampede followed WrestleMania closely in April. Older fans would be giddy at such news, and these event names would sound fresh to those who didn't live them during the '90s.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.