10 Things WWE Must Do At Starrcade 2017

3. Book A Title Change

SmackDown AJ Styles

As things stand, the WWE, SmackDown Women's, SmackDown Tag-Team. and United States Titles will all be on the line at Starrcade. Of all those belts though, only the latter has been defended at Starrcade before. It wasn't branded a WWE title, obviously, but it did follow the same lineage as the current US strap.

AJ Styles will defend against both Baron Corbin and Rusev in a Triple Threat match on the card, and it'd be cool to see a title change happen. Ideally, WWE would switch the belt to someone else beforehand, meaning AJ gets a massive pop when he wins the title back at Starrcade. For a traditionalist like Styles, that'd be a huge honour.

If WWE don't fancy messing around with AJ's US Title reign, then booking Charlotte Flair to beat Natalya inside a Steel Cage for the Women's Title seems logical. The show is in North Carolina after all, and if Ric is there then this could be the perfect way to honour the Flair name and make the show seem special.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.