10 Things WWE Must Do Between Now And WrestleMania 31

1. Operation: Get Roman Reigns Over As A Face (Before Turning Him Heel)

A huge singles push in the buildup to the Royal Rumble didn't do it. A Royal Rumble victory didn't do it either. Not even a hard-fought victory over Daniel Bryan and a post-match handshake did it. No, it seems that nothing is going to get WWE fans to cheer for Roman Reigns. In the past, this would have been enough to make Reigns one of the hottest babyfaces in the world. But we don't live in the past. We live in the now, and today's WWE audience is a lot different. They have began to voice their displeasure whenever they sense that somebody 'doesn't deserve' their top spot and will wildly cheer wrestlers whom WWE will never make 'the guy'. It should be kept in mind that these are the same fans who have been booing John Cena out of the building every week for the last decade, and Cena remains the company's hottest merchandise seller and biggest star. But WWE doesn't want Reigns to experience that type of negative fan reaction at 'Mania. It therefore must do everything in its power to get Reigns over as a face. If that means not saying more than three lines of dialogue during promos, so be it. Does he have to spear Paul Heyman through the ring to get the desired reaction? Do it. WWE may want to turn Reigns heel post-WrestleMania for programmes with Cena, Orton and Bryan, but it will want a pro-Reigns crowd in Santa Clara, California on March 29th.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...