10 Things WWE Must Do Between Now And WrestleMania 31

2. Show The Undertaker

WWE have selected Bray Wyatt as the man to face The Undertaker in what will more than likely be the Dead Man's one and only match this year, at WrestleMania. Although The Streak was ended by Brock Lesnar last year there is still significant interest in an Undertaker WrestleMania match and it will be one of the most eagerly anticipated of the night. Although the match hasn't been made official, Bray Wyatt has been challenging The Undertaker in recent weeks and swerved the fans at Fastlane when he came out to 'Taker's entrance music and appeared from the casked that was being carted to the ring by the druids. On the February 23rd Raw, Wyatt gave another promo where he said he was ready to finish off The Undertaker for good. The Undertaker has yet to respond to any of Wyatt's promos but he surely must do so sooner or later. The WWE needs to at least show the WWE Universe that The Undertaker is actually alive and well, following recent reports concerning his ailing health. They can leave it up until the Raw before WrestleMania but The Undertaker must make an appearance at some point. He can float to the ring, chokeslam Bray or just point at the damn WrestleMania sign like everyone else, but fans will need a peak at 'Taker before they can get excited about the prospect of him wrestling.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...