10 Things WWE Must Do Between Now And WrestleMania 31

9. Announce More Inductees For The Hall Of Fame

Already announced for this year's Hall of Fame are Macho Man Randy Savage, Rikishi, The Bushwhackers and Arnold Schwarzenegger will be inducted into the Celebrity Wing. The standard number of inductees is six, which leaves two more spots available. One of the rumoured names for the 2015 Hall of Fame is Kevin Nash. Although he had some trouble with the law around Christmastime (he got into a fight with his son) and his legends contract was temporarily cancelled, Nash was brought back to WWE TV for an nWo reunion on the January 19th Raw. It's hard to argue with Nash as a Hall of Fame entrant. He and Scott Hall changed the business when they jumped from the WWF to WCW in 1996 and Nash is a former multi-time World Champion. Whether he would go in as Kevin Nash or as Diesel (Scott Hall went in as his Razor Ramon gimmick), remains to be seen. Another couple of rumoured names include Alundra Blayze, Japanese and former WCW star Tatsumi Fujinami and Larry Zbyzko. We should find out the final two entrants within the next few weeks.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...