10 Things WWE Must Do Between Now And WrestleMania 31

8. Make Us Care About Goldust Vs. Stardust

Just what exactly happened in the Goldust versus Stardust match at Fastlane? After promising violence and hate the brothers proceeded to go out and have an unbelievably boring match that completely lacked intensity. Were they holding back because they knew they had a big WrestleMania match coming up? Do they just not have the chemistry that you would expect from two good workers and genuine brothers? Whatever happened, the fans at Fastlane didn't care: they sat on their hands for the duration of the match (and of the show). Truth is, we haven't really been given too much of a reason to care about the Goldust versus Stardust feud yet. Even with some effective promo work by the Rhodes boys and appearance from father Dusty, it has just come across as a little bit small-time. WWE need to make us care about their dispute if they are to present another Goldust versus Stardust match at 'Mania. If it goes anything like their Fastlane effort, it could be one of the most disappointing WrestleMania matches of all time. They deserve better than that.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...