10 Things WWE Must Do Between Now And WrestleMania 31

7. Add Some Stipulations And/Or Gimmicks To Matches

One thing that could liven up the Stardust versus Goldust match is an added stipulation or gimmick. Neither man is currently a champion so perhaps they could put something else on the line? The Stardust character refuses to be referred to as 'Cody' and there have been allusions to him 'living the gimmick' on WWE TV, so why not add the stipulation that if Goldust wins, Stardust has to drop the gimmick and return to being Cody? There have been rumours that Dustin Runnels is set to retire, so why not put Goldust's career on the line too? It would certainly make the match more interesting. So far there have been no stipulations or gimmicks added to any of the announced WrestleMania matches. That's pretty boring. WrestleMania is a special occasion and a time to go all-out. One match that could certainly use a little something extra is Triple H versus Sting. There are question marks hanging over Sting's performance and how much he can do in a straight singles match. Gimmicks help to act as shortcuts and disguise a wrestler's weaknesses. Sting could use that in his first WWE match. Some sort of street fight, cage or even ladder match between Triple H and Sting is infinitely more interesting than a standard singles match. Here's hoping that WWE add some stipulations and/or gimmicks to matches within the next few weeks. A card full of straight wrestling matches is a very disappointing prospect indeed.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...