10 Things WWE Must Do Between Now And WrestleMania 31

3. Continue The Sting Hype

WWE have managed to make Sting appear as a threat to Triple H, despite the fact that he has never wrestled a match in a WWE ring before and hasn't been seen in a major promotion since 2001 (no, TNA doesn't count). Not only that but, despite his thinning hairstyle and Sgt Pepper jacket, Sting has actually retained his 'coolness'. Now WWE must continue to build Sting for his big showdown with Triple H at 'Mania. On the February 23rd Raw WWE aired a video hyping up Sting and telling WWE fans about his history. Revisionist history, sure, but history nonetheless. The more WWE can let WWE fans know about Sting, the better. The WWE superstar testimonies didn't hurt either. Having the likes of John Cena, Ric Flair and Dean Ambrose sing Sting's praises and put him over will really legitimise Sting in the eyes of new fans. But where does WWE go from here? A Sting special on the Network would be good and they could continue to run vignettes on TV. Sting only has a very limited number of dates (including WrestleMania) on his WWE contract so WWE are going to have to use other methods to keep Sting over.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...