10 Things WWE Need To Get Right On The Road To WrestleMania

1. Give Divas A Chance

WWE accidentally created a whirlwind controversy this past week on Raw, and it all started with a line from R-Truth on commentary. During Bad News Barrett v Dolph Ziggler, R-Truth tried to get the hashtag #GiveTruthAChance spreading, with regards to his Intercontinental Championship aspirations, but by the end of the night it would be reappropriated with far more noble goals. When The Bella Twins v Paige & Emma lasted a fleeting thirty seconds, #GiveDivasAChance began trending in earnest with many fans rightfully calling out WWE for their lack of respect shown towards the division. On NXT the women are allowed to deliver twenty minute barnburners that are essentially co-main events, but on Raw they€™re lucky to get a minute€™s worth of ring time. Things got worse for WWE when AJ Lee called out Stephanie McMahon on Twitter for the lack of respect women are given, and the gap in royalty earnings between male and female competitors. Stephanie magnanimously thanked AJ for her opinion, and Vince McMahon himself tweeted €œWe hear you. Keep watching. #GiveDivasAChance€ but their actions going forward will speak far louder than words. If WWE really want to prove that they€™re serious about giving Divas a chance, then there€™s no better platform than WrestleMania. The Divas match is often the one most at risk of being cut in case the show runs long, but if they allowed Nikki Bella v Paige (or Naomi, or Natalya, or Summer Rae, or Emma) guaranteed time to put on a good match, those women will show the world what they can do, and convince even the most ardent opponents of women€™s wrestling to give Divas a chance.

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