10 Things WWE Need To Get Right On The Road To WrestleMania

10. No Celebrity Involvement

Whenever a celebrity is announced as participating at WrestleMania, fans generally groan and point to WWE€™s obsession with mainstream exposure at any cost as one of their biggest failings. Recent WrestleManias that have featured the likes of E!€™s Maria Menounos and Jersey Shore€™s Snooki have come under fire for giving time to celebrities instead of the wrestlers who are there every week. However, celebrities are historically a huge part of WrestleMania, all the way back to WrestleMania I featuring the likes of Muhammad Ali, Liberace and Mr. T. There have certainly been worse celebrity appearances than Snooki as well, including the €œWhere€™s The Beef?€ lady and Burger King€™s forgettable mascot, Herb. Recently, Seth Rollins has been involved in a war of the words with the soon-to-be-departing anchor of The Daily Show, Jon Stewart. Whether this leads to anything more than his rumoured apparance at Raw remains to be seen, but at this point, WWE would be wise to capitalise on the mainstream exposure, without sacrificing anything by taking it all the way to WrestleMania. The worst thing a celebrity can do for wrestling is date the show, and even Snooki hasn€™t been relevant in quite a few years. One of the highlights of WrestleMania XXX was how timeless it felt because it was all about the wrestling, and that€™s a lesson that WWE should keep to heart heading into WrestleMania 31.

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