10 Things WWE Need To Stop Doing Right Now

10. Expecting Fans To Get Excited Over Familiar Returns

The lack of crowd noise when Kane made his return at Night Of Champions was disconcerting. Quite clearly, WWE were hoping people would be excited to see the 'Big Red Machine' back under the mask, but the whole angle screamed of lazy booking. After all, how many times have fans witnessed Kane flip between having the mask and not over the past few years? Every single time creative revert back to this strategy, it's going to play before diminishing returns. That's a fact of life, you can't expect people to be as shocked as they were the first time if you repeatedly keep doing the same thing. The problem isn't necessarily Kane, Glenn Jacobs still has a place on the roster, but his character is so unbelievably convoluted at this point. This is something WWE really need to quit using as a plot device. Kane is a long-running character for a reason, but the company seemingly can't make their mind up whether they want him to be a destructive monster or a well-spoken, functional mid card attraction.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.