10 Things WWE Needs To Improve In 2018

1. Star Making

seth rollins

One of the major criticisms faced by WWE every year is that they aren't interested in creating new stars, content instead for the same four or five wrestlers to monopolise the main event to the exclusion of all others.

In 2017, however, you have to at least give them an A for effort. Bray Wyatt became WWE Champion for the first time in February, followed a couple of months later by Jinder Mahal, who wore the belt for nearly half a year. On Raw, meanwhile, Jason Jordan got the opportunity of a lifetime buddying up to his biological father Kurt Angle.

In each of those examples, however, the execution was found wanting. Despite a concerted effort to push them towards the top of the show, none of the wrestlers in question have ended the year in the main event, with all three perhaps facing a testing next 12 months.

If there's one thing WWE can do to remedy this, it's simply building up wrestlers in a more conventional way. Going from D to C will always be a more natural step than going from D to A, something Jinder in particular found out this year after trading in his role as a comedy jobber for one as WWE's new leading man.

In this post: 
seth rollins
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