10 Things WWE Raw: Day 1 Told Us About WrestleMania XL Season

1. Triple H Will Pace Himself

The Rock Roman Reigns

The Rock teasing a match with Roman Reigns was the biggest moment by far from Raw: Day 1. Triple H sidestepped the temptation to load the show up with too many similar ‘Mania teases, and that'll catch a wee bit of flak from those who want more from these blockbuster episodes than that.

It shouldn't.

'The Game' is pacing himself for the most hectic period on WWE's schedule, and that isn’t exactly a negative. After all, if he gave everything away at Day 1, then there'd be nothing to drip feed on episodes of TV heading through the next three-four months of programming. People would also complain about that!

Smart wrestling booking lets the biggest bombshells ruminate and sink in. That's what Hunter chose to do with Rocky's nod towards Roman, but he didn't shortchange fans inside the ring either. Rollins vs. McIntyre was a marquee attraction, and the opener between Jax and Becky was fun too.

Patience, people. Papa H has your back.

What else did you learn from Raw: Day 1? For more WWE, check out 10 WWE Nightmares That Could Come True In 2024 and 10 New Directions For WWE In 2024!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.