10 Things WWE Raw: Day 1 Told Us About WrestleMania XL Season

6. WWE Camerawork Will Be Less…Erratic?

The Rock Roman Reigns

Yours truly still isn't sure if he was just imagining things he wanted to see, but there did seem to be a subtle change to WWE's production on Raw. Kevin Dunn's departure after approx 40 years of service means change is inescapable; other folks in the truck will have their own thoughts on how stuff should be handled.

Dunn's constant camera angle changes became too overbearing in recent years, so it'd be nice to see lengthier shots during promos and matches. We kinda got that on this week's episode of Raw. Take the Pedigree spot between Seth Rollins and Drew McIntyre on the announce desk towards the end of the show, for example.

Typically, that one move would've been accompanied by around 10-15 erratic angle switches before, during and after. Instead, the cams lingered on several moments, and that let everything breathe a little better. WWE still switched on impact, but it wasn't as dizzying overall.

Fingers crossed this becomes the norm going forwards.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.