10 Things WWE Raw: Day 1 Told Us About WrestleMania XL Season

3. Damian Priest's Cash-In Woes Will Continue

The Rock Roman Reigns

This whole Damian Priest trying to cash-in but failing party is getting seriously old. The Judgment Day man has flopped multiple times now, and it's making the dude look like a chump when he's really not that kind of heel. Sadly, WWE is also casting Damien as someone who's out of his depth and thus can't pick the right moment to strike.


There's probably no way Priest successfully cashes in before WrestleMania XL then. He just can't seem to get the job done, but does have until July to trade that contract for a title match. WWE made a point of mentioning that when shooting a quick new year's resolutions vid for socials over the weekend.

The entire MITB concept is pretty played out by this point, being totally honest about it. Triple H might want to think about skipping it in 2024, because finding the right time to put the belt on Damian has become a puzzle with no solution in sight.

You've gotta fear for the next winner.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.