10 Things WWE Stole From The Indies

2. Generation Nexus

CM Punk ROH Title

In May 2004, a rogue group of young, hungry wrestlers came together as a villainous faction, declaring war on Ring Of Honor's pre-existing hierarchy. The gang featured future WWE stars Austin Aries and Roderick Strong, and christened themselves 'Generation Next.' They attacked indiscriminately, destroying everyone from company staples in The Briscoe Brothers and Jimmy Rave to a bona fide wrestling legend in Ricky Steamboat as they took ROH over, quickly becoming the promotion's foremost heel force.

Sound familiar? It should, because Generation Next's rise was almost identical to that which The Nexus would experience in 2010.

The Nexus' arrival was more startling, and their methods more extreme, but the core idea was the same. Both groups were comprised of relative rookies unwilling to sit around and wait for a chance in their respective promotions, though their fortunes differed greatly.

John Cena eviscerated The Nexus at SummerSlam 2010, and killed leader Wade Barrett's hopes of ever becoming a true main eventer with a series of late-year burials. Meanwhile, Generation Next's Austin Aries had the honour of ending Samoa Joe's 21-month ROH Title reign in December 2004, and his group stayed strong throughout their run, before mutually disbanding in June 2006.

Channel Manager
Channel Manager

Andy has been with WhatCulture for eight years and is currently WhatCulture's Wrestling Channel Manager. A writer, presenter, and editor with 10+ years of experience in online media, he has been a sponge for all wrestling knowledge since playing an old Royal Rumble 1992 VHS to ruin in his childhood. Having previously worked for Bleacher Report, Andy specialises in short and long-form writing, video presenting, voiceover acting, and editing, all characterised by expert wrestling knowledge and commentary. Andy is as much a fan of 1985 Jim Crockett Promotions as he is present-day AEW and WWE - just don't make him choose between the two.