10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Alberto Del Rio

2. He Was In A Fight With Drew McIntyre Against Others In August 2013

Del Rio had a reputation as a tough guy in WWE. Since he fought in MMA before WWE he was pretty much known as a guy that you shouldn't mess with. The fans may not have known it, but the boys in the back certainly did. In August 2013, when WWE was in Los Angeles for SummerSlam, Del Rio was in a bar with fellow wrestler Drew McIntyre. The story goes that Del Rio got into a verbal argument with someone and that person attacked Del Rio with his friends jumping in. That led to Drew McIntyre stepping in to help Del Rio. The incident took place on the Saturday night before SummerSlam. Here's a quote from Del Rio from about a week later talking about his black eye and the bruises that he had on his face:
"You know, we do shows, we do over 200 shows per year. Things happen when you're in wrestling. It was just an accident. But you know how it is, they always like to talk and they always like to make stories of their own. You know, it was just part of the business, it's part of the game"
He ended up with a black eye and had to go wrestle at a major PPV the next day. Del Rio retained the World Title in a match against Christian at SummerSlam and held it for a few more months before dropping it to John Cena. The reasons for Del Rio's black eye was never mentioned during SummerSlam or Raw the next night. He also wasn't punished for any of his actions, either. The only ones that really know the story are Del Rio, McIntyre and whoever these guys were that started a fight with them.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.