10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Big Show

8. They Called Him "The Big Nasty" And Paul Wight Before Settling On Big Show Name

Big Show's WWE debut was memorable because he showed up during a very famous match at the February 1999 St. Valentine's Day Massacre PPV as Vince McMahon battled Steve Austin in a steel cage match. It wasn't much of a battle, though. It was Austin kicking McMahon's ass until Show debuted by emerging from underneath the ring to try to help McMahon, which he failed at doing. What was interesting about the debut was that it was obvious WWE wasn't sure what to call him on his first night in the company. Michael Cole was on commentary yelling that "Paul Wight is here" yet those of us at home really didn't know him as that. We knew him as The Giant in WCW. He was billed as "The Big Show" Paul Wight when he faced Mankind at WrestleMania 15 one month later because they still hadn't figured out a permanent name for him. There was also a brief period where he was called "The Big Nasty" as a nickname too. There were also rumors that they wanted to call him Titan as well, which would have been a nod to WWE's Titan Inc. company name at the time. They really are a bunch of smartasses. They settled on just Big Show (or The Big Show) and at least they were able to find the right music for him. Nobody's going to forget that song.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.