10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Dolph Ziggler

From the dark hair days to "Nicky" and the caddy, WWE wants us to forget some things about Mr. Ziggler.

Doplh Ziggler Mugshot The man known as the "Show Off" Dolph Ziggler has been under WWE contract for ten years now. He signed a developmental deal when he was 24 years old and after a few gimmicks that didn't get him very far, he became a regular on WWE TV in late 2008. Ziggler is a rare WWE superstar that really didn't work anywhere else before he started with them. He was hired because he was a successful collegiate wrestler at Kent State and he learned how to wrestle in WWE's developmental system in Ohio Valley Wrestling. He's the definition of what it means to be a homegrown WWE product because that's all he's ever known. His place on the WWE roster is always changing. During his first few years as a regular, he was regular competing for the midcard IC & US Titles. He's had multiple reigns with both titles. When he finally got major title shots in 2011 fans were really happy for him because his hard work paid off. Then he won Money in the Bank in 2012 and it was a sign that maybe he would get that push to the top. Aside from main eventing the TLC 2012 PPV against John Cena, he really didn't stay at the top for long. The last year has been a roller-coaster for Ziggler. He was pushed hard for most of 2013, then he had a poorly timed concussion that led to him falling down the roster to the point that he wasn't featured on television much at all. Over the last three months he's received significant TV time again and now that he's IC Champion one more time it appears that he's on the right path. Over the course of his ten year career, there hasn't been that many bad things that have happened to him, but everybody has things that WWE wants us to forget about them. Here's a look at ten things WWE wants you to forget about one of their most talented all around performers and the current Intercontinental Champion, Dolph Ziggler.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.