10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Lita

4. That Lost Baby Saga Leading To Snitsky Punting A Baby Doll

There was more to the crazy angle that Lita had with Matt Hardy, Kane and eventually a newcomer named Gene Snitsky. Lita was pregnant in the storyline and we didn't know if the baby was Matt Hardy's or Kane's, but Lita eventually revealed that it belonged to Kane. It's actually a surprise that they didn't bring in Maury Povich for the "who is the baby's father" big reveal, although that was probably a good thing for us viewers. Kane had a match against Snitsky, who was an unknown at that point. Kane placed a chair over Snitsky's head and was going to jump on it. Lita took the chair off Snitsky because she didn't think it was necessary. Snitsky got back to his feet, hit Kane in the back with the chair and Kane fell on top of her. Later, it was revealed that Lita had suffered a miscarriage and lost the baby. After that, the story became even more ridiculous as Snitsky, now a regular with a catchphrase and everything, punted a baby doll into the crowd and taunted the Big Red Machine, who was now suddenly a babyface. Yes, even after possibly raping Lita! By the end of this storyline, Lita ended up legitimately falling in love with Kane after he got revenge on Snitsky, which is just...wow. Then Lita turned on him during her own heel turn and even thanked Snitsky for causing the baby to die. Isn't wrestling just the loveliest?
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.