10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Ric Flair

8. He's Had Frequent Financial Issues Despite His Success

Ric Flair would likely be considered a millionaire if he did a better job of saving his money. The problem is that he spent too many of years living life the "Ric Flair way" by buying expensive suits, Rolex watches, getting limos in every city he went to and partying as much as he possibly could. As a result of that lifestyle, Flair is a man in his mid-60s that has been dealing with financial issues for the majority of his adult life. Another big reason why he had money problems over the years was the four divorces he had. Those aren't cheap especially when you're pulling in the kind of money that Flair was. We've heard stories about famous people making a lot, but not saving any and then being in positions where they have financial troubles when they're older. That's what happened to Flair. His second wife Beth, the mother of Ashley and Reid, was owed $700,000 by Flair. Back in 2011, there was a very revealing feature on Grantland.com that went in detail about Flair's financial woes. There were many details in there about how Flair failed to pay taxes going back nearly 30 years and in 2010 the government was seeking $627,758 from him for it. There are plenty of other stories of Flair owing hundreds of thousands of dollars to the government, business owners, friends that loaned him money. By the time Flair went through his third divorce in 2009, his debts had totaled $1.7 million. Ric Flair is living proof that you can be very successful in your line of work like he is as one of the best professional wrestlers ever, but if you don't manage your money wisely you can get in a lot of trouble. Hopefully he can sort out all of his issues. He needs to realize that when you're in your mid 60s maybe it's time to stop living like Ric Flair the wrestler and take care of your loved ones as Richard Fliehr the man.


John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.