10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Stone Cold Steve Austin

7. He Refused To Feud With Jeff Jarrett In 1999

In 1999, Austin was the unquestioned top guy in WWE that had a lot of power. If he didn't want to work with somebody that Vince McMahon and the creative team wanted him to work with then he was powerful enough to get out of it. Jeff Jarrett was a midcard heel on the rise that had Austin's future wife Debra as his manager. Austin started dating Debra in 1999 and married her a year later. At some point, a storyline was pitched for the two men to have a feud. They did have some interaction when Austin hit him with some random Stunners, but it was never much of a rivalry. While it's not known what one reason led to Austin's dislike for Jarrett, there were a few theories: - When Austin was coming up in the business, he worked for Jerry Jarrett and apparently wasn't paid what he was told he would get paid, so he held that against the family. - Jarrett did a promo ripping on Austin's 3:16 gimmick at a time when they weren't feuding and Austin held a grudge with him for that. Jarrett explained the incident in a TNA DVD released years later: "My first night out on TV, I made a promo by design and I said, 'I'm going to say in this day in age, Austin 3:16 is blasphemous.' Did the promo, Austin went ballistic, got nuts, got right in my face. Shawn Michaels was right there when I came through the curtain." - The other working theory given over the years is that Austin never thought Jarrett was good enough to be working main event level feuds with him. Considering Jarrett went to WCW and didn't have much of an impact while his TNA promotion never became a big deal, maybe Austin had a point there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9lL_NKcfNM Even though Jarrett was working with Debra, that was never mentioned as a reason why Austin refused to work with him. Those two were just friends. Jarrett hasn't been seen in WWE since he left in October 1999.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.