10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About 2019

2. The Jordan Myles Racism Row

jordan myles

Say hello to 2019's messiest internal conflict.

There's a lot to unpack here. Firstly, Jordan Myles believed WWE's new t-shirt design was a racist slight against his heritage. Then, it came out that Myles had allegedly given the design a big thumbs up before it was launched into stores. Then, Myles decided to call out ex-employer ROH as racist too, and went on quite the tirade against Vince McMahon, Triple H and more.

Obviously, any allegations of racist abuse should be taken seriously by everyone. It's not cool if someone feels victimised because of their skin colour, but Myles' direct, visceral approach to sorting things out was blasted by peers like Booker T and Titus O'Neil; both could see their fellow wrestler's point, but he didn't think scorching WWE on Twitter was professional.

WWE would love for everyone to move on from this quickly and forget it ever even happened. They portray themselves as a wholesome, family run business perfect for big-money sponsors looking to invest. They certainly don't want the smearing stain of racism accusations sticking to them.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.