10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About 2021
2. Crown Jewel > WrestleMania
Crown Jewel was a bigger deal for WWE's money men than it was for fans. The company returned to Saudi Arabia in October for the first time since February 2020, and they were determined to break the cycle of hate that such stadium showcases received from fans watching "back home".
There was only one way to do that: WWE had to pretend that Crown Jewel = WrestleMania. In fact, they sorta went overboard with it and suggested that Crown Jewel > WrestleMania (much to the horror of the same fans they were trying to get on side). It was a bold strategy, to say the least.
McMahon and pals won't want you remembering that one between January-April 2022.
Hype for 'Mania 38 is about to begin, and that means this is the grandest show of all the times. Screw everything that came before, basically. WWE moves forwards at a rapid rate, so Crown Jewel's encroachment on WrestleMania splendour last year is in the rear view mirror.