10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Adam Rose
9. The Bunny
When Adam Rose made his debut on WWE TV in 2014, he was joined by what he dubbed the Exotic Express. This was a group of party-goers, all seemingly in awe of Rose, not unlike the groupies that followed rockstars around back in the day.
The standout member of the Express (not including the delightful Taeler Hendrix) was The Bunny, or more to the point Justin Gabriel in a bunny suit.
The Bunny began to show more and more personality, which for whatever reason riled Rose somewhat. The Express started to give the rabbit more attention too, which eventually led to Rose beating down the bunny and turning heel in the process.
It was never revealed who was under the suit (most sources thought Gabriel, with Sami Zayn another name floated around), and the story with The Bunny was a real drag on WWE TV every single week, another example of WWE humour completely missing the mark.