10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Alicia Fox

A model, but not always a model employee...

Alicia Fox

As film-making rocker Rob Zombie once belted out, "Foxy, Foxy, what's it gonna' be?".

Fresh reports have surfaced online saying Alicia Fox is currently AWOL from WWE, and there's no news on her return. Some reportedly believed she was en route to rehab after the company demanded it, whereas others simply have no idea where the veteran star is. That, obviously, is rather worrying.

It's even more troubling considering Alicia's status as a well-tenured fixture of the women's division. She's been in WWE since 2006, and she's barely had an extended break (aside from a few niggling injuries) during that period. Not only that, but Fox has also worn many on screen hats since joining the promotion, and we're not just talking about the cabaret-style ones she's dressed up in latterly.

This is the latest chapter in an increasingly fractious relationship between employee and employer. Away from the creative woes that have blighted her run since it began, there have been some alarming behind-the-scenes antics to make WWE's blood boil.

Here's everything the promotion would like you to forget about Alicia Fox, her decade-plus run and her backstage behaviour...

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Alicia Fox
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.