10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Booker T

2. The Brutal Kurt Angle Storyline

Kurt Angle Sharmell

If wrestling Boogeyman at 'Mania 22 was a nightmare, then Booker's 2005 feud with Kurt Angle was a precursor to that horror.

In theory, a rivalry between skilled workers like Booker T and Angle should have been a license to print money for WWE. It might have been had creative not inserted one of the worst plot points in living memory. Suddenly, Kurt became infatuated with Sharmell, began stalking Booker's wife and once famously said he wanted to have "bestiality sex" with her.

This is the kind of thing WWE would never attempt today. Seeing Angle stare down the lens of a camera backstage, appear to get off on his comments and call Sharmell a "gutter-slut" was something else, and it was a step too far for a feud that had promise.

During the same storyline, Kurt would handcuff Sharmell, pin her in a sexual position and generally act like the biggest creep going. Had Twitter existed in '05, the place would have had a field day with this kind of thing.

"It was a different time" isn't a worthy excuse.

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Booker T
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.