10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Booker T

4. He Was Buried In The Lead-Up To WrestleMania XIX

hhh booker t wrestlemania 19

Admittedly, facing Triple H for the old World Heavyweight Title at WrestleMania XIX was a step in the right direction for Booker. It wasn't the main event, sure, and yet both were certain to get a solid chunk of time on the card and some serious TV time beforehand to build their match.

Much of that time was used to depict Booker as a second-class citizen compared to Triple H, and the tinges of racism running through the story were hard to stomach.

WWE would likely defend the story by claiming Trips was only acting as a pompous heel. That doesn't explain why, during the 'Mania XIX press conference, WWE acknowledged the racism claims, as Michael Cole questioned Triple H on his potentially hateful comments. Triple H sneered at this, again saying phrases such as, "people like you" were aimed at Booker's criminal past.

Racism or not, nobody stopped to think how Triple H running down Booker's chances and then beating him cleanly would hurt T terribly post-WrestleMania. WWE pretty much buried Booker and told their audience he wasn't main event calibre.

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Booker T
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