10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Booker T

5. Once Feuded With Edge Over Shampoo

Booker T Edge
WWE Network

WrestleMania X-8 was Booker T's first appearance on the biggest show of the year. It came hot on the heels of feuds against The Rock and Steve Austin, so hopes were high that Booker could work something memorable against young WWF hopeful Edge come the big night.

All hopes were dashed when creative booked both to war over a phoney Japanese shampoo commercial and go just six minutes.

One fan said it best by proudly waving a sign opposite the hard cam that read, "They Are Fighting Over Shampoo". For a match at 'Mania, a show supposed to be the culmination of everything good about WWE, this was seriously tame stuff that felt like a colossal letdown for Booker and Edge (who, the previous summer, had won King Of The Ring).

Booker's WrestleMania record wouldn't get much better, and that was the case even when he was working programs for the World Title. Think of the shampoo debacle as a warning shot for what the WCW hero had to look forward to come 'Mania season.

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