10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Dean Ambrose

10. The Finish To His TLC 2014 Match With Bray Wyatt

Dean Ambrose Bray Wyatt Tlc 2014

The sheer number of matches WWE produce necessities some sort of creativity when it comes to finishes. Men like Pat Patterson and Dusty Rhodes were always good for this, but they must've been busy when WWE needed a conclusion to the TLC match between Ambrose and Bray Wyatt at the 2014 pay-per-view.

When all else fails, play the old explosion trick.

Forget for a second that this was a TLC match with nothing on the line, because there was something else to worry about. Namely, Dean's misfortune when a TV monitor he planned to use as a weapon blew up in his face and left him ripe for a quick Sister Abigail finisher from Bray. That was it, that was WWE's grand plan.

Fans in Cleveland sh*t all over the finish. They, just like everyone watching, had barely been excited about a match with zero stakes, but now they were expected to watch a Tom & Jerry cartoon come to life without the good guy winning.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.