10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Dolph Ziggler

7. They Tried To Change His Look

Dolph Ziggler Vickie Guerrero

After beating Evan Bourne on the 18 April 2011 Raw, Dolph Ziggler looked for all the world like he knew something wasn't working. He'd dyed his bleached locks brown, cut his hair down to a crew style and was "new and improved" according to on screen love interest Vickie Guerrero.

'New' meant 'Treading Water' and 'Improved' meant 'Worse' in this instance.

Tampering with Dolph's trademark look was pointless. It wasn't his noodle-like hairdo that was the issue, it was the lack of upwards mobility for someone who could bump his ass off and make any kind of match excellent. By taking away one of his most noticeable characteristics, WWE turned Ziggler into Create-A-Wrestler #129.

The experiment lasted just over one month before Dolph grabbed the peroxide bottle again. By the 23 May episode of Raw, he had the blonde back, and it was as though nothing had happened. This doesn't even classify as a bold attempt to jazz things up. It was stupid.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.