10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Kevin Owens

Those Kevin Owens secrets and stories WWE don't want you to find...

Kevin Owens

Before being handed the prestigious prize of being able to share the stage with arguably the biggest star the wrestling business has ever known coming into this year's Show of Shows, a quick look back on the WWE career of one Kevin Owens tells a story. He was an independent darling who somehow found a way to effectively adapt himself into a system that has chewed up and spat out so many of his contemporaries .

There was a life before The Land of the Giants for this Prizefighter, and it's one that Vince McMahon would likely prefer you forgot ever existed - for a whole host of often jaw-dropping reasons.

That's not the only aspect of this one-time Universal Champion's CV that his current employers wish you'd forget in a hurry either, with a number of his actions within the WWE sphere being swiftly swept under the carpet in an attempt to pretend they never went down in the first place.

From lacklustre 'Mania showdowns and top guy pushes, to his many hilariously absurd antics on the indy scene, these are those KO fact and moments WWE don't want you to rediscover.

10. That Chris Jericho Match At WrestleMania 33

Kevin Owens

Despite plying their trade in rival promotions at this current moment in time, Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens will likely forever be linked - seen again in Jericho's referencing of his pal "Kevin" on Dynamite recently - on the back of a programme that acts as one of both stars' finest to date.

However, what followed undoubtedly the hottest programme the company had committed to in the lead-up to 'Mania 33 would eventually leave many wondering why they bothered to invest in the friends-turned-bitter-enemies storyline in the first place.

Shuffled onto the card in the dreaded second bout of the night spot, Le Champion and KO would put on a solid if unspectacular apparent blow-off to a feud that once looked destined to main event the whole show with Owens' Universal Championship on the line.

Plans would obviously change as Goldberg and Brock Lesnar were thrown the strap instead. And what was already a no doubt disappointing evening for the pair only got worse for Owens when he got back to gorilla, with the boss telling Kevin that their US title contest was the "worst match in WrestleMania history".

Sure enough, you can bet WWE won't be highlighting this showdown in any promo packages for KO heading into 'Mania 38.

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Kevin Owens
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...