10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Lilian Garcia

8. Announced Zack Ryder As Jack Swagger

It'd be unfair to say that Zack Ryder doesn't mean much to WWE, because the man really caught fire with audiences for a few years. There's a good case to be made that the guy would have become a stalwart on the upper mid card pack had management embraced the idea of pushing him. That was never really in the plans however, so he has been relegated into obscurity over the past few years. Back in 2012, he was still riding the crest of the wave. In March of that year, Ryder was a popular addition to any card, fans just loved him. That didn't stop Lilian Garcia from completing flunking his introduction on March 23, 2012. Set to take on Jack Swagger as part of the Smackdown broadcast, Ryder found himself given quite the unique welcome by Garcia as he entered the ring. Swagger was standing directly beside Lilian, which must have caused her brain to melt and therefore announce both men as the same person. According to Garcia, Jack Swagger was going up against 'Long Island Iced-Z' Jack Swagger, not Zack Ryder. The gaff is featured on YouTube, and it's easy to hear people booing the announcement, recognising Lilian's little error.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.