10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Lilian Garcia

4. Proposing To Viscera

Similarly, the person who thought of this zany storyline must be wishing people would stop talking about it every so often. In 2005, Viscera was recast as the 'World's Largest Love Machine', a gimmick that clearly aped Mark Henry's old 'Sexual Chocolate' guise. The major difference was that Viscera usually went after beautiful women, and he ended up causing Lilian Garcia to become smitten with him. During the Vengeance 2005 pay-per-view in June of that year, Garcia called Viscera out with the intention of actually proposing to him. In the end, the big man turned down her advances in favour of The Godfather's bevy of strippers and prostitutes, in a storyline turn that would certainly not be seen in today's 'PG Era'. From there, the angle was canned, but it was confusing that it had even been suggested in the first place. Almost a full year later, Viscera then proposed to Lilian on the May 22, 2006 episode of Monday Night Raw. Again, that situation didn't go anywhere due to interference from Umaga (of all people). Who can say what WWE management - along with the creative team - were thinking with this particular plot, it didn't do anything for Lilian Garcia's work as a ring announcer.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.