10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Logan Paul

1. That Forest Video

Logan Paul scam alert

TRIGGER WARNING: This includes mentions of self-harm and suicide.

In late-2017, Paul traveled to Japan and ventured to the Aokigahara forest. His coverage included trivial misbehaviour across a series of vlogs, including climbing onto a moving forklift and throwing a giant Poke Ball at passersby, but it got infamously darker. The forest, located at the base of Mount Fuji, is a site of many suicides, and Paul's camera was rolling when he encountered a dead body hanging from a tree.

The YouTuber apologized in January of 2018 after a significant public backlash, which included a petition with 720,000 signatures calling for YouTube to delete Paul's account. He wasn't banned from the platform, but two of his movies were put on hold and his advertising revenue was temporarily halted.

Paul, to his credit, donated $1 million to suicide prevention agencies shortly after the controversy. However, it's safe to assume WWE, Logan Paul, and, well, just about anyone with common sense, would prefer this entire series of events had never happened.

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