10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Nia Jax

5. Nia Jax's "My Hole" Gimmick

In memory of Nia Jax's hole

Going from a body-shaming angle to an angle that should be shamed about Nia Jax's body is a bit of a transition, but what else can you do but shake your head at this infamous incident from February 8, 2021?

Jax was in a match with Lana on Monday Night Raw when she took a butt bump on the apron and proceeded to grab her behind before shouting "My butt!! Aaaahh!! My hole!!!"

This was made even more exaggerated due to being in the ThunderDome era where there were no fans ringside, so even the tiniest grunts were accentuated and more audible than normal, meaning it stuck out like a sore thumb—or, rather, a sore hole.

Jax has gone on to say this happened just to make Vince McMahon and Triple H laugh, and it certainly got that reaction out of the audience as well, immediately trending to the point that it nearly had merchandise made for it. While these moments are hit or miss, WWE obviously decided not to continue with the gimmick and left it as just a one-off moment to leave in the rear—er, to put behind them—er...forget about.


Founder of pro wrestling site Smark Out Moment (https://www.smarkoutmoment.com) and geek culture site Fanboys Anonymous (https://www.fanboysanonymous.com).