10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Randy Orton

6. He Beat Up A Hotel Room

Randy Orton Vengeance 2004

So yes, about those anger management classes we just talked about. Apparently they didn’t go so well. Orton said they did, but an innocent motel room would say otherwise.

In 2007, WWE was in the middle of a European tour when Orton was suddenly and suspiciously sent home. It turns out that he absolutely trashed the room he was staying in, to the tune of $50,000! He had to pay all of that money himself, and then had to face the embarrassment of being sent home like a child.

News later broke that it wasn’t the thrashing of the room that caused his exodus, because he had already been told he had to go back to the United States. According to a news report in The Pro Wrestling Torch at the time, Orton was “a mess” on the tour and was told to leave. After hearing that he went back and trashed a few things. The room was merely an innocent bystander for Orton’s insane anger! After news broke out, WWE.com said that the troubled star was sent home for “undisclosed reasons.”

The Torch later quoted a fellow wrestler claiming that “nobody likes him” and that nobody would have cared if he was fired. Somehow, Orton was not punished further or fined by the company, and he still got to main event the next pay-per-view. Sometimes crime does pay...if you have the money to pay for it and know the right people in power.

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Randy Orton
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