10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Road Dogg

9. Openly Talks About Prescription Painkiller Use In Wrestling

It wasn't only street drugs and alcohol that Road Dogg depended on to get him through the day. Painkiller addiction can be killer, and has consumed the lives of many athletes who rely on the medication on a daily basis. In the pro wrestling industry, even some of Road Dogg's peers have succumb to the numbing effect of those little pills that offer so much relief. Naturally, wrestling is tough on the human body. Aches and pains are commonplace, and Brian James often mixed medication with other drugs to get through. For WWE, it's likely a source of irritation that the guy has been so open about the problem prescription painkillers play in the grappling world. The company prefer to stay away from the subject, using the WWE Wellness Policy as a shield. Whilst the Road Dogg has said on numerous occasions that he's thankful for the help WWE have given him (in terms of rehabilitation), he's also talked extensively about the need for more to be done. When working as Hardcore Champion, the man's body was put through hell, leading to heavy use of painkillers to dull the after effects.
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Road Dogg
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.