10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Ryback

3. Stealing (And Mocking) Goldberg's Finisher

The Goldberg comparisons (and accompanying crowd chants) have plagued Ryback ever since he broke away from the Skip Sheffield character. It's easy to see why. Both are large, bald men who embarked upon long undefeated streaks at the beginning of their run. If I was the suspicious type, I'd say WWE were taking a little too much inspiration from Big Match Bill... To his credit, Ryback largely ignored the taunts - but that all changed during a beatdown of Kofi Kingston in 2014. To the sound of thunderous 'Goldberg' chants, he scooped up Kofi for what initially looked to be a delayed vertical suplex...before nailing a Jackhammer! He even busted out Goldberg's signature stomp, before waving his hand angrily and declaring the whole thing "stupid". WWE probably concurred. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KT0ZjDkIxMY
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.