10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Ryback

2. CM Punk's Scathing Comments...

When the words 'Ryback' and 'criticism' are put together in the same sentence, one name will surely follow - CM Punk. Punk's now-infamous appearance on Colt Cabana's podcast, in which he utterly tore his former employers to shreds, included a lot of Ryback hate. Punk branded Ryback an unsafe worker and an "idiot" for working stiff on numerous occasions - particularly a missed table spot, which saw Punk land back-first on the concrete floor. In fairness to Ryback, he was defended on 'Talk Is Jericho' shortly afterwards. Y2J praised him for his safe work, going entirely against CM Punk's claims.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.