10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Sheamus

3. He Got Mad At Fans Thinking That Triple H Favored Him

The rise of social media has been both good and bad for the wrestling business. There have been bad incidents of late with guys getting hacked, which caused problems for them. There have also been incidents where people get angry at fans online for things reported about them. The backstory to this is interesting because when Sheamus got his first big push in 2009/10 there were whispers within WWE that it was because he was the "workout buddy" of WWE executive Paul Levesque aka Triple H. People thought that he was only getting a main event push for that reason. They also had a feud in 2010 leading to a WrestleMania 26 match where Hunter won and then a rematch at Extreme Rules that Sheamus won to end the feud. Apparently Sheamus is bothered by internet fans that comment to him about the "workout buddy" thing because he fired off some tweets in May 2014 about it. https://twitter.com/WWESheamus/statuses/464460345483218944 Wrestlers, especially babyfaces like him, shouldn't try to antagonize or upset fans. While John Cena's tweets are very boring, at least you'll never see him saying anything remotely controversial on social media. Sheamus shouldn't let that stuff bother him. Sheamus should know better. While WWE loves to promote Twitter, they're not going to want fans to read stuff like that.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.