10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About The Godfather

2. Papa Shango

You've got to hand it to Charles Wright, you really do. He is a man of many gimmicks. Many failed gimmicks, true, but at least he gave his all to every role he portrayed. Still, just because he gave everything he had to Voodoo Man Papa Shango (including extensive research into the field) doesn't make it any less ridiculous. This was 1992, and WWE were in full-on cartoon mode. Carrying a skull that billowed smoke to the ring, controlling the arena lights and causing other wrestlers to vomit on command, Shango was one of the strangest WWE characters ever. Strange but, again, not exactly good. Shango was the pits between-the-ropes since, despite having some experience in USWA and in Japan, Wright just wasn't a great worker, and the spooky character meant that his matches were always by-the-numbers. Incredibly, Shango was thrust into the main event scene almost immediately, playing a part in the main event of WrestleMania VIII, performing a run in during it's climax. Hilariously, the newcomer forgot his cue, causing Sid Justice to kick out of Hulk Hogan's Atomic Leg Drop in an effort to stall for time. When Shango did make it to the ring, he was run off by the returning Ultimate Warrior. The resulting Warrior/Shango feud was one of the worst in WWE history, with risible segments and piss-poor matches (on house shows, since the two didn't clash on PPV due to Warrior being fired before the blowoff). Following the Warrior programme, Shango floated around doing much of nothing and quickly flittered out. In short, the gimmick bombed, and deservedly so. It was an embarrassment and something WWE won't be keen to remind viewers of.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...