10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Toni Storm

3. Charlotte Flair Gobbled Her Up

Toni Storm Pie Face

Throughout the feud with Charlotte, one other thing became crystal: Toni Storm wasn't anywhere close to Flair's level, and she probably wasn't going to be the one to take that SmackDown Women's Title from her. It's like WWE has forgotten how to use someone’s star power to get a rising face over.

That's especially true if the emerging threat is a babyface; they tend to go goofy with things all the time (hence the pie sh*t between both women), and it never really works out. All that happened to Toni is that she looked plucky one minute and like a stupid little rookie who was in over her head the next.

Last week, Storm dropped to defeat opposite Charlotte and left with a distinct 'second best' aura. Nobody could've known then that she'd ask to get out of her WWE contract, but it didn't exactly look like she was on the up and up either.

That loss would prove to be Toni's last TV appearance for the company.

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