10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Toni Storm

2. She Asked For Her Release

Toni Storm Pie Face

Storm was unhappy with WWE’s recent direction, and rightfully so. Even so, the company won’t want to admit that a 26 year old hot prospect would rather wrestle somewhere else during the prime years of her career, and it's doubtful they actually wanted to lose her in the first place.

This was very-much Toni's decision.

Bruce Prichard has claimed on his podcast before that Vince McMahon's outlook on wrestlers requesting releases is, "Go be happy". That hasn't always been true - if it was, then he wouldn't have kept Luke Harper/Brodie Lee on the bench for so long, or tried to stop The Revival/FTR from heading to AEW for a year or two.

Again, a 26 year old has willingly decided to take herself out of WWE's nest so she can fly away for pastures new. Should McMahon be worried about this? Definitely, but not only 'cause he's just lost a prime piece of talent.

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Toni Storm
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.