10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About WrestleMania 37

5. The "Nigerian Drum Fight" Didn't Live Up To Hype

Titus O'Neil Hulk Hogan WWE WrestleMania 37

So was this.

Big E and Apollo Crews deserved better than some half-baked missed opportunity. They really, really did. Brawls between them have been heated and well-worked to date, and it's been genuinely great to see Crews get some attention after years in the WWE wastelands.

A "Nigerian Drum Fight" though? What the hell is that? Sure, WWE surrounded the ring with djembe drums (those were some sweet Remo skins - just saying), tables, kendo sticks and other weaponry. Throughout, E and Apollo totally ignored the drums and used everything else instead. So much for "beating someone so loud it sounds like a drum".

The drums weren't even used once! This was a wasted gimmick.

The IC Title match only lasted around seven minutes too. It was actually the second-shortest bout of the entire weekend (Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt went a minute less), and that made it impossible for both to build up steam.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.