10 Things You Can Get Fined For In WWE

1. Not Wearing A Suit

Triple H Kane Chair Shot

Coinciding with the implementation of that zero-tolerance rule on lateness was the reinstating of the company dress code—despite many wrestlers’ track records with ill-fitting suits.

The code decreed that wrestlers basically have to dress in a professional manner whenever appearing in front of fans. In other words, suited and booted at all times.

That may seem like a fairly minor ask, but it seems that violations of this code are one of the more frequent offences in the company.

Stories persist of Road Warrior Animal being threatened with a fine for wearing jeans on an airplane and Johnny the Bull having to cough up $500 for wearing a baseball cap on a bus. And in 2004, no fewer than seven wrestlers were fined for violations of the dress code policy, with a $500 penalty for first-time offenders, double that figure for second-timers, while a hat-trick of strikes was enough to land an all-out suspension.

Clearly, pride in your appearance is high on Vince McMahon’s list of priorities. Which is kind of ironic given his own sense of style and his often gaudy fashion faux pas…

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