10 Things You Didn’t Know About 'The Fiend'

2. His Eight "Secret Messages"

Firefly Fun House Bray Wyatt Song

Remember all those seemingly-empty threats and lines Bray would throw out there in promos between 2015-2017 during feuds with Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Randy Orton and more? They all meant something as part of a broader story, and they were sneakily hidden amongst other supernatural gusto on purpose.

They told the tale of 'The Fiend' years before that was even a thing.

Wyatt posted each one on Twitter this past May. In order, they give the message, "What makes you smile? I know you’re listening. Let me in! We don’t belong here. What happened to you was such a tragedy. Limbo is no place for a soul like yours. I believe I found the answer. The angel with the burnt wings is waving you on home".

Not-so-coincidentally, those also became the titles for each episode of 'Firefly Fun House', and every edition was thematically linked to just one line. That's...bloody brilliant storytelling. Hiding secret messages in promos four years before they'd be useful shows how deep Wyatt went on this idea.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.