10 Things You Didn’t Know About 'The Fiend'
10. Wyatt Predicted The Future As 'Axel Mulligan'
This recent metamorphosis into 'The Fiend' isn't the first time Wyatt has donned a mask.
To find the last, you'd have to traverse back in time to humble days spent figuring things out in then-WWE developmental territory FCW. In that pre-NXT landscape, Bray went under the guise of 'Axel Mulligan', and looked every bit like the love child of Michael Myers and Mick Thomson from Slipknot.
The horror-movie inspired Mulligan wore 'American Nightmare' t-shirts (sorry, Cody) and even used the Stunner as a finish. This is particularly interesting given Bray's recent tweets and interactions with Steve Austin online; there's really no end to Wyatt's thought-provoking characterisation, is there?
Axel didn't last long before Bray went off in a different direction and started laying the groundwork for his new cult-leader gimmick. His early teen slasher look was totally different to the Husky Harris character he'd already been playing on TV, and it was probs an inspiration for 'The Fiend'.