10 Things You Didn’t Know About 'The Fiend'

9. Bray Shut Himself Off From Close Friends

Firefly Fun House Bray Wyatt 2nd Episode

Braun Strowman's recent appearance on Sam Roberts' 'NotSam Wrestling Podcast' revealed one thing: Bray Wyatt may well be a super villain from the Batman universe.

He certainly shares many characteristics with over-the-top baddies like The Joker, Two Face and more. Braun knows that first hand, and admitted on the pod that one of his best friends in the wrestling business suddenly went radio silent on him earlier this year. That wasn't like Bray, but he was busy creating, scheming and reinventing.

Wyatt totally shut himself off from close friends so he could dive the depths of imagination and come up with something that might rescue a withering WWE career. By the time Bray was ready to resume his social life, guys like Strowman wondered what the hell was happening. Then, he saw 'Firefly Fun House'.

Braun described it as "weird", and said he didn't understand what his pal was going for at first. It took several episodes of the unnerving children's TV show before Strowman and others backstage began to click and see what Bray was doing.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.